Data Imports

Data Imports

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Click on the Setup icon.
  2. Click on the System Setup menu item.
  3. Click on the Data Management menu item.

  4. Click on the Manage Data Imports menu item.

  5. For the Data Import Template, Click on the Excel icon of the respective Module row.
  6. Click on the Import button.

  7. Click on Browse button for selecting the file from the system.
  8. Click on the Import From File button.


20.3 Update

In 20.3v Upgrade, few modifications has been made to the import template as follows:

1.we have introduced adding Insight Permission to User Import.

Module insight permission has been added to the user import template. Only module insight consumer permission is available. Author insight permission can only be provided from the application user profile, as it involved license validation.

2.Remove level and location selection validation for template user selection

3. Introduced mandatory column comments based on configuration

4. Remove User Type column from Import Tool

We have removed the User Type column and deprecated Template User creation from the user import tool.

Field Information Table

Field NameDetails/Description

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