Employee Records

Employee Records

Managing employees in can be performed at the location or at the enterprise level. All employee records are found under Enterprise Setup. 

Only employees assigned to that location are shown under the location setup.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the Setup Icon.
  2. Click on the Enterprise Setup Menu Item.
  3. Click on the Employees Menu Item.

Click on Add button to add a new employee record. Fill in the employee details in the Add Employee screen and click on Save


In v21.3 Please add the employee details and click on Save to save the employee record.

Make sure to include as much detail as possible in the employee profile as this is where the modules get the employee information from.  For example, if the employee's job title is not entered here then when creating an incident in Incident Management, the job title will not populate.

**Please note that the "employee" profile is different from the "user" profile.  The employee profile does not grant access to the system. 

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