Program Management Overview

Program Management Overview

Program Management – program setup defines which facilities and KPIs are included, the reporting frequency and validation rules for each KPI, which KPIs will be available for goal setting, the verification levels for each program and the data locking rules which are applied.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the Setup Icon.
  2. Click on the Module Setup Menu Item.
  3. Click on the Performance Management Menu Item.

4.  Select  Program management menu item in Setup.

22.2 Update

Now, we have the option to copy a Sustainability Program. User has to select program to to be copied and click on Copy button.

Also, another feature has been introduced which will provided end user the option to recalculate data for existing KPI when formula is changed. This option will be visible for existing KPIs where:

  • Derivative KPI is configured to a Program i.e. reporting frequency is configured
  • Historical data is available
  • There is a change in the formula or it is new KPI

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