Add a New Action Item

Add a New Action Item

Users can capture/add new action items via MobilePro after successfully logging in by selecting the Calendar from the module menu.

Step-by-step Instructions

  1. Tap on the Calendar from the module menu.


  2. Tap on the  to add an Action Item. 

  3. Complete the Calendar Action Details.
  4. Tap the to Save the Action Item Details.

  5. Department field has been enabled in Action Item

6. Asset field has been enabled in Action Item MobilePRO

Additional Information:

Mandatory items will display a red highlight by the field. 

20.2 Update

  • We introduced Auto-generated Sequence ID for Action item
  • We Enabled Departments in Action Item MobilePRO
  • We Introduced Asset Management in Action Item MobilePRO

Field Information: 

1.Action Item TitleMandatory for saving. 
2.Action Item CategoryMandatory for saving. Provides a list of available categories.
4.Action Item DescriptionEnter the details pertaining to the action item being created.
5.Priority LevelBy default, this will be set to Low, but users can change the level to Medium or High. 
6.Action Item Due DateDefaults to the current date. 
7.Primary OwnersMandatory for saving. Provides a list of system users to assign the action item to. List will shorten as user types in characters. 
8.Notify Owners ImmediatelyDefault - Yes. This will trigger a notification to be sent out to the owners once the Action Item has been saved. 
9.Assigned ByDefaults to the user currently logged in. 

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