Perform an Initial Risk Rating

Perform an Initial Risk Rating

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the Modules menu item.
  2. Click on the Risk Assessment menu item.
  3. Click on the Manage menu item.

  4. Click on the Risk Assessment Title hyperlink.

  5. Click on the Tasks/Hazards menu item.
  6. Click on the Name of the Hazard hyperlink.

  7.  Provide more parameters to choose from and use to calculate the hazard risk score
    • Additional 7 Parameters have been added
      1. The extent of Injury, Property Damage, Controls, Fire Load, Exposure FrequencyLikely Hood Of Occurrence
        1. All of these have respective look-up value similar to existing Parameters
          1. Look-up values will not have any duplicate value validation. Users can create multiple values with the same score and/or name
        2. All of these have the respective configuration to Show/Hide
        3. All of these are Mandatory if enabled
      2. Risk Factor
        1. The field should accept only Numeric value
          1. Max length up-to 10 digits ( up-to 3 decimal places)
        2. Has a configuration to Show/Hide
        3. Mandatory if enabled
    • All the parameters if enabled will be displayed in the Risk Rating Grid

  8. The existing custom setting has been updated to hide only the Administrative Control Field
  9. A New Custom Setting is provided to hide PPE fields in the Risk Rating screen.
  10. Complete all the fields and click on the Save button.

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