17.2.2 Industrial Hygiene Release Notes
New and Improved Features
- NA option to be added along with Yes or No for "Was respiratory and.or hearing protection used at the time of sampling" - PMP-35853
- PPE biz rule and control information configurable by sample type - PMP-27149.
- Analytical Method to be made optional - Free Text in the Result screen - PMP-33135.
- Capturing Control during Sample Planning and carry from QEA to Plan and Plan to Sample - PMP-35189.
Include 5 why methodologies and root cause in IH Summary & IH Query Report - PMP-33051.
- IH Report mail send option updated - PMP-27148.
- Include Root Cause & 5 Why in the SOA Grid as part of the Manage Sample - PMP -33055.
- Capturing Environmental Requirement - PMP-36571.
- Smoke Test drop down in Face Velocity Measurement - PMP-39618.
- Modification ti Employee notification letter - PMP-40357.
- Locking sample details while editing - PMP-39490.
- Shift Length modification for defining the value - PMP-3948.
- "Sample Approval List" renamed to "Sample Ready for Approval" - PMP-40761.
NA option to be added along with Yes or No for "Was respirator and/or hearing Protection used at the time of Sampling - PMP-35853
The enhanced application will feature 'NA' option added along with Yes or No for "Was respirator and/or hearing Protection used at the time of Sampling”.
- NA will be the default field on page load
- This will appear for both physical and chemical sample
Associated impacts and Custom Setting
IH Query Report, IH Summary Report, Result calculation will also show NA along with Yes/No
Configure value for NA values as Yes or No for "Was respirator and/or hearing Protection used at the time of Sampling" for result calculation purpose- If NA is configured as Yes ,result value will be Over Exposure
- If NA is configured as No ,result value will be Over standard
- If NA is configured as NA , NA option will not appear .Only Yes / No as earlier state would appear
PPE biz rule and control information configurable by sample type - PMP-27149
The enhanced application will allow for the new fields that are added to be made mandatory or non-mandatory for a sample based on sample type
Custom Setting Information
This setting will overwrite the configuration that is done in custom setting .EX : In custom setting PPE is made non mandatory and sample type is made mandatory .Then PPE will be treated as mandatoryIn custom setting if these fields are marked as hidden ,then the fields will not appear in Sample Type.EX : PPE hidden in custom setting ,it will not appear in Sample Type
Configuration Setting – NA
Impact –Fields marked mandatory in Sample type should not be blank in Sample details, IH Query, IH Summary and Employee Notification.
Existing data – System will not allow to save an edited sample whose field were not marked mandatory earlier but marked mandatory in Sample type .It will prompt error message on Save
Product – Sample Type look up would show the newly added fields provided they are not hidden in custom settings
Analytical Method to be made optional - Free Text in the Results screen -PMP- 33135
In the enhanced application, Analytical Method is a Free Text entry field in the Lab details for Sample Result Information
- The Maximim value it would take is 100 Characters and would take even the data which are not present in the look up of analytical method in module set up
- Data entered for analytical method will be matched with the existing data .There would be no change if the data matches .If it doesn’t, then it will create another analytical method in module set up with status Active
- In the application screen also, it will take free text entry
Configuration Setting for Analytical Method
Configuration Setting – NA
Impact – New data entered through view excel report for Analytical Method will be created under analytical method look up with active status
Existing data – No impact on existing data
Product – Analytical Method will be a free text entry
Capturing Control during Sample Planning and Carry from QEA to Plan and Plan to Sample - PMP-35189
The enhanced application will have the following features for the Sample Plan record.
- New control information section for Sample Plan Record
- Control information entered in the QRA can be exported to Sample Plan record and then to Sample
Sample Plan - Additional Information
- Exporting a QEA to a Sample Plan : QEA having controls information is exported to a Sample Plan record, the new Sample Plan Records will display the exported control information
If a Sample Plan Record is created directly (not from QEA export), the Sample Plan Record Details Screen will have the Control fields available for user to add/edit controls' information.
Creating a Planned Sample from a Sample Plan Record : when a Planned Sample is linked to a Sample Plan Record having control information, the controls' information existing in the Sample Plan Record will carry over to the Planned Sample. (This will be applicable when planned sample created and linked with Associated Sample Plan Record)Control information from Sample Plan Record can also be carried to the Sample
- Exporting a QEA to a Sample Plan : QEA having controls information is exported to a Sample Plan record, the new Sample Plan Records will display the exported control information
Include 5 why methodologies and root cause in IH Summary & IH Query Report - PMP-33051
The enhanced application will enable IH Summary and IH Query report to have Sample root cause and 5 why analysis.
IH Report mail send option updated - PMP-27148
The application has been enhanced with a provision to send an email to Employee/Supervisor in the IH Query Report.
- This new section would have following fields :
- Send to Employee: will be checked by default. On checking will send IH summary & employee notification in IH report mail to the email id of the employee mentioned in the sample
- Send to Employee supervisor: On checking this checkbox will send the IH report email to Employee supervisor mentioned in sample
- Send Copy to me : On checking this checkbox will send the IH report email to the logged in user
Include Root Cause & 5 Why in the SOA Grid as part of the Manage Sample - PMP -33055
The application has been enhanced to display Root cause and 5 why analysis in the manage sample grid.
Audit trail of Employee notification letter - PMP-11671
The following features have been added in the enhanced application pertinent to Audit Trail of empoyee notification letter.
- New section as “Send Mail –Audit Trail “ in Sample Dashboard recording the number of times the IH report email being sent
- Major columns of Audit trail :
- Mail from- logged in user
- Mail sent to – “To” user list
- Mail sent CC – “CC” user list
- Mail Sent Others – other email id added
- Mail attachments – IH summary/employee notification
- email action date – email sent date
Import tool for Sample Plan Records - PMP-35336
In the enhanced application,
- System will import multiple sample plan records for a sample plan through an EXL file.
- The functionality is very much similar to that of Sample import chemical /noise, where user would download the template, fill the mandatory data for Sample plan record and upload.
- Once the file is uploaded the associated sample plan record will be created in the system for a sample plan
- All the sample plan record imported through this file will be displayed in the sample plan dashboard
- Permission - User who can create Sample plan records can also import Sample Plan records
Capturing Environment Requirement - PMP-36571
The application has been enhanced to show a new field “Would you like to capture environment requirement” in Sample activity for a chemical sample.
- Field values : Yes / No ,Default value : No
- This information will appear in sample dashboard and also in manage sample grid
Exposure monitor time functionality - PMP-39219
The enhanced application has been enabled with the following changes in functionality.
- New fields added “Total Employee Exposure time-hours & minutes” and “Calculated total employee exposure time “in Sample activity replacing the shift length field.
- Field 1 : Total Employee Exposure time hour (drop down) : captures the actual exposure time in hour .Field range 0-23,incremented by 1 hour
- Field 2 : Total Employee Exposure time minutes(drop down) : captures the actual exposure time in minutes .Field range 0-59,incremented by 1 minutes
- Field 3: Calculated Total Employee Exposure time (auto generated grey field): calculates the total exposure hour and minutes into total minutes. max value -1440 mints
- This will be applicable to the following equipment
- Air Monitoring Pump
- Passive Dosimeter
- Direct Monitoring Gas & Vapor
- Direct Monitoring Tube
- Configuration Setting –Private
1.Is total employee exposure time applicable – yes /No .Product - No
2. Is sample result calculation by TWA and STEL applicable - yes /No .Product - No
- Existing data –No Impact
- Product – Product level – No ,Chevron - Yes
- Impacts – IH Query Report(SSRS),IH Summary Report (Crystal),Employee Notification Report(Crystal)
Changes in Calculation - Shift length replaced by Calculated Totasl Employee Exposure Time
Scenario -1: Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift= "No”, Air Monitoring Volume
Employee Sample Time: 435 Minutes (7 Hours & 15 minutes),
Employee Exposure Time: 600 Minutes (10 Hours)
Flow rate = 2.5 L/Min
Volume = Flow rate * Exposed Time
= 2.5 *600 =1500 L
Scenario -2: Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift= "No", Duration type - TWA: Impact on Result Calculation
For TWA Samples, we are going to FIX the denominator of the Sample Result to 480 Minutes (which would represent an 8 HOUR TWA).
Employee Calculated Time: 435 Minutes (7 Hours & 15 minutes),
Employee Exposure Time: 600 Minutes (10 Hours)
Lab Concentration Result: 500 MG/M3
Calculation will be as follows:
[Exposure Time (600 Minutes) / 8 HOUR TWA (480 Minutes] * 500 MG/M3 (Lab Concentration).
600 / 480 * 500 = 625 MG/M3
Changes to the formula:
- The numerator of the formula will pull from the Total Employee Exposure Time Field.
- The denominator for the Formula for a TWA Sample will be fixed to 480 Minutes.
Scenario -3: Was there potential exposure beyond the sample portion of the shift = "No", Duration type - STEL: Impact on Result Calculation
For STEL Samples, we are going to FIX the denominator of the Sample Result to 15 Minutes (which would represent a 15 mint STEL).
Employee Calculated Time: 435 Minutes (7 Hours & 15 minutes),
Employee Exposure Time: 600 Minutes (10 Hours)
Lab Concentration Result: 500 MG/M3
Calculation will be as follows:
[Exposure Time (600 Minutes) /STEL (15 Minutes] * 500 MG/M3 (Lab Concentration).
600 / 15* 500 = 20000 MG/M3
Changes to the formula:
- The numerator of the formula will pull from the Total Employee Exposure Time Field.
- The denominator for the Formula for a STEL Sample will be fixed to 15 Minutes.
Scenario-4: Copy Sample
On copying a Sample, the following fields will show the default values as mentioned
Total Exposure monitor time (hour): will show value as 0
Total Exposure monitor time (minute): will show value as 0
Calculated Total Exposure monitor time: will show value as 0
If user tries to save if value=0, then system will show alert message on save
Smoke Test Drop down in Face Velocity Measurement - PMP-39618
In the enhanced application, a New field “Smoke test results” has been added in the Face velocity measurement of the Chemical Sample.
- Field type is a drop down with values : Passed ,Failed ,Not Applicable
- Smoke test is not performed for Physical and Gravity Samples, hence this will be only a part of chemical sample.
- It will not have any impact on result calculation
- It would appear in dashboard and in IH Query Report
Modification to employee notification letter - PMP-40357
In the enhanced application, the following changes pertinent to Employee notification letter for both Chemical and Noise have been incorporated.
- Table Headings will be bold
- Heading -Sample Result summary will be bold
- Chemical Mixture Results -Removed
- Lowest OEL Source = OEL Source
- Process Comment - Removed
- Below Action Level – Less than (<) 50 % of Exposure Limit replaced with Over Standard – Above or equal to the (> / =) Exposure Limit – Proper PPE in use;
- Above Action Level – Between (=/>) 50 - 100% of Exposure Limit replaced with Over Exposure – Above or equal to the (> / =) Exposure Limit – Insufficient PPE in Use
Locking Sample details while editing - PMP-39490
The application has been enhanced to lock the edit permissions for below mentioned fields during editing a sample.
- Hazard Type
- Sample Type
- Sample Equipment
- Duration Type
Shift Length modification for defining the value - PMP-3948
In the Enhanced State of the application,
- Shift length would have a new field as value in Minutes
- It will be a minute field
- Maximum value =1440 mints
- Value added here will show up in Shift length of a Sample
Sample Approval List” renamed to “Samples Ready for Approval - PMP- 40761
In the enahced application, the Sample Approval List in Manage Sample Grid is renamed to Sample Ready for Approval.
Import Template for the COC to be updated - PMP-40884
In the Enhanced application, the following changes have been incorporated If Lab Amount Unit is selected as "ND".
In COC File: the Lab Concentration Units, Sample Result Unit and Detection Limit Unit will automatically display ND. Lab Amount and Lab Concentration will not be a mandatory field anymore.
In Application: Lab Amount, Lab Concentration and Sample Result in the Sample Result Information will automatically Grey out.
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