23.2 Occupational Health Release Notes
23.2 Occupational Health Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
- PMP-91085 : For 'Administer Medication' encounter type and Non-Prescribed Medication, make changes to the digits value
- PMP-91066 : Encounter screen formatting improvements
Product Level Change
PMP-91085 : For 'Administer Medication' encounter type and Non-Prescribed Medication, make changes to the digits value
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently, For ‘Administer Medication' encounter type and Non-Prescribed Medication, the dose doesn’t capture more than 3 digit places.
Purpose: Ability to capture dose upto 4 digits.
Enhanced System:
- The dose will now be captured upto 4 digits.
Impacts: NA
PMP-91066 : Encounter screen formatting improvements
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Customer had an issue when exporting information from the Occupational Health module. When screens are exported, formatting from text boxes does not translate correctly to the report or email.
- Ability to have the export/email formatting to be displayed correctly for SOAP Notes and Clinic Notes
Enhanced System:
- The 'Generate Report and the Email Summary' is now changed to be in the same format with the required page break available when the report is downloaded or emailed.
Impacts: NA
Before Changes:
Post Changes:
PMP-89738 : Appointment created at a specific time but charted as encounter at a later time should not change the original scheduled time.
Configurable: No
- Title: Keep Encounter equal to Appointment
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Customer reported that sometimes an appointment that’s scheduled for a specific time gets pushed/postponed to a later time due to unforeseen reasons . In this scenario, when the user creates the encounter and saves the details, it resets the initial scheduled time to current time. They would want the appointment time to remain the same.
- Ability to have the appointment time to be same irrespective of encounter at a later time.
Enhanced System:
- Post the change, the appointment time will be kept constant even if any encounters are scheduled later.
Impacts: NA
Current Functionality:
Appointment Created at 02:00:
Encounter time changes the original Appointment time:
Post Enhancement: The appointment time will remain same even if the encounter is created before or after the scheduled appointment.
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