18.0.2 Incident Management System Release Notes
New and Improved Features
PMP-41281 Make OSHA amputation field Mandatory and remove default selection
- PMP-6498 Make "Report Prepared by" section as Mandatory
- PMP-39305 Make Date and Time reported to Management field Mandatory in incident reporting screen
- PMP-44744 As a end user should be able to add details for employee treated offsite field in Incident Reporting
- PMP-41225 Display Department hierarchy in Auto Complete, incident list screen and Summary Screen
- PMP-42380 As a end user should be able to view states based on selected location in case management screen
- PMP-47870 As an end user should be able to Expand and Collapse all sections in Contributing Factors screen
- PMP-8894 As an end user i would like to view images attached in summary screen in summary Report
- PMP-39863 Performance improvement of Near miss Reporting screen
- PMP-40132 As a end user should be able to control dashboard manager using permissions
- PMP-45064 Implemented daily notifications based on severity of Near miss incidents
- PMP-44091 Adjust alignment of section status information
- PMP-42754 In notifications time is displayed with a hyphen
PMP-41281 Make OSHA amputation field Mandatory and remove default selection
Configurable setting: Mandatory / Non Mandatory; Public
Default: Enable, Common change
Existing system
- Field "Did this incident involve an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or a loss of an eye?", is a non mandatory field in Injury illness reporting screen
- This field has default selection as "No"
Purpose: As of now the field is optional and has a default selection so users do not pay attention to update the field
Enhanced System
- Field "Did this incident involve an in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or a loss of an eye?" made as (**) field
- Introduced Configuration to make Mandatory
- Custom setting Key Name OSHAAmputationMandatoryYN
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No
PMP-6498 Make "Report Prepared by" section as Mandatory
Configurable setting: Mandatory / Non Mandatory; Public
Default: Disable, customer specific
Existing system
- In existing system Report Prepared by section has Name, Title and Phone number fields
- These fields are not mandatory
Purpose: As of now all fields under "Report Prepared by" are optional for claims submission.
Enhanced System
- Report prepared by section is available in Injury/illness reporting screen and Injury/illness claim screen
- In injury/illness reporting screen Report prepared by section is made as **
- **- Represent fields Mandatory for Claim submission
- Inclaim form Report Prepared by section is made as Mandatory
- *- Represents Mandatory for saving
- Introduced custom setting to make the whole section Mandatory/ Non Mandatory
- Custom setting Key Name WCCReportPreparedbyMandatoryYN
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No
PMP-39305 Make Date and Time reported to Management field Mandatory in incident reporting screen
Configurable setting: Mandatory / Non Mandatory; Private
Default: Disabled, customer specific
Existing system
- Date and time reported to management field is a non mandatory field, The request is to make this field as Mandatory for Save
Purpose: As of now "Date and Time reported to Management" field is not mandatory to save the Incident. Customer has asked to make the field mandatory to save the Incident. Since this field is used only by one customefr it is not feasible for Product to have a configuration. We plan to remove this field and enable "Date and Time reported to Employer" field and rename it as "Date and Time reported to Management" since this field already has required configurations to make the field mandatory.
Enhanced system
- Introduced custom setting to make this field as Mandatory for save
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No
PMP-44744 As a end user should be able to add details for Employee treated Offsite field in Incident reporting screen
Configurable setting: Show/ Hide; Private
Default: Disable, customer specific
Existing System
- In incident reporting screen for injury/illness there is a field "Employee treated offiste"
- When yes is selected no dependent question is displayed
- Where as when No is selected Explain why is displayed
Purpose: To capture information on does the employee treated offsite after the incident has been occured in Incident management reporting screen
Enahanced system
- Where was employee treated? field is added in injury illness reporting screen under the field "Was employee treated offsite?"
- Where was employee treated is introduced with custom setting to SHow/Hide
- Custom Setting details WhereEmployeeTreatedYN
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: Reports- Incident Summary Report
Properties | Values |
Lable | Where was employee treated |
Field type | Text Area |
Field Length | 500 Charecters |
Dependency | dependent on "Was employee treated offsite? " on click of Yes |
Mandatory /Optional | Optional |
PMP-41225 Display Department hierarchy in Auto Complete, incident list screen and Summary Screen
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common change
Existing System
- Existing system do not have the Department hierarchy displayed in Autocomplete field of incident reorting screen
Purpose: As of now all department names are displayed in Auto Complete field irrespective of the hierarchy. If multiple departments with same name exists under different parent department then it becomes difficult for users to determine which one to select and they are forced to use the pick list.
Enhanced system
- In Reporting screen when department is selected we are not displating the hierarchy of the department
- Introduced hierarchy in Reporring screen auto complete , Incident list screen and Summary screen
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: Will have impact on all the places where department is displayed in the system
- Reports- Incident Summary Report, RC reports
- Application- Incident List screen, Incident Summary Screen
PMP-42380 As a end user should be able to view states based on selected location in case management screen
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- The State dropdown in Case Management screen displayed all the states, available in system
Purpose: As of now system displays all states in the Hospital/clinic state field and this results in a huge list for users to select from. This field needs to be filtered based on selected Location's country. We are not defaulting the state to selected Location's state because Hospital might be from a different state in few cases and if we default the field then users may skip it and not update.
Enhanced System
- The State drop down in case management screen will display states which are associated with the logged in location country
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No Impact
PMP- 47870 As an end user should be able to Expand and Collapse all sections in Contributing Factors screen
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- As of now Contributing Factors page opens up with all sections expanded. Since the list is long users need to close all sections one by one which are not applicable to reach to the applicable section or they need to scroll through the entire list.
Purpose: As of now Contributing Factors page opens up with all sections expanded. Since the list is long users need to close all sections one by one which are not applicable to reach to the applicable section or they need to scroll through the entire list. With Expand All option user may get entire Contributing Factor values listed and do a quick search if user know the exact value to be selected. With Collapse All feature user may scroll through the section header to determine the applicable section and then choose required values.
Enhanced System
- Introduced Expand All and Collapse All Buttons in Contributing factors screen
- By Default all sections should be collapsed when page loads
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-8894 As an end user would like to view images attached in Summary screen in incident Summary Report
Configurable Setting: No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- In existing system user can attach images of the incident in the summary screen
Purpose: If there are any images attached (all supported image file formats) in the summary screen should be displayed in the Summary report as per screen shot. Images should be displayed in the order they were attached one after another in it's original size.
Enhanced System
- Enhanced system will display all the attached in summary screen in Incident summary report
- Only images will be displayed in the summary report
- Not all the attachements will be displayed (Like Word, PPt, Excel)
- Existing Data would appear in all historical records
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-39863 Performance improvement of Near miss Reporting screen
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- Technically time taken to retrieve data and save data for nearmiss incident reporting screen has been increased due to addition of fields
Purpose: There has been many tickets on performance of Nearmiss reporting screen and its loading and saving time
Enhanced System
- Worked on improvement of performance of Nearmiss reporting screen and has been improved by 50%
- Store procedure for getting Data and Saving data has been tuned up to give better performance results
- Existing Data No changes to Data
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-40132 As a end user should be able to control dashboard manager using permissions
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- Dashboard manager used to be available as Menu item in new view
Purpose: Dashboard Manager is screen is used to control the dashboard, this has to be in set up screens. As of now it is available as a menu iteem in New view
Enhanced System
- Dashboard Manager is introduced in the module set up under setup
- This is a product level change
- Existing Data No changes to Data
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-45064 As an end user I would like to see only sever Near Miss Incident in Detail report Completed Daily Notification
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- As of now system sends Detail report Completed notification for All Near Miss Incidents and does not provided flexibility for Administrators to restrict it to only Sever Near Miss Incidents.
Purpose: This is a gap in the system
Enhanced System
- Based on the severity question Daily notification is also updated accordingly
- Existing Data No changes to Data
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-44091Adjust alignment of Section status Information
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- Section status alignment in the system is not according to standard
Purpose: This is a gap in the system and addressed as part of this version
Enhanced System
- This is a Bug in the system, Updated system accordingly
- Existing Data No changes to Data
- Impact: No Impact
PMP-42754 Notifications:time is displaying with a hyphen rather than a colon.
Configurable Setting:No configuration
Default: Common Change
Existing system
- In Notifications Incident time is displayed with a separator "-"
Purpose: This is a bug in the system and addressed as part of this version
Enhanced System
- The Bug has been corrected and Incident time is saparated by ":"
- Existing Data No changes to Data
- Impact: No Impact
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