20.2 Industrial Hygiene Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level change
Home Page
Create Sample
- PMP-68600 Direct Monitoring Sample Equipments to have Contractor option
- PMP-66914 Free text for Analytical Method in Sample Result
- PMP-71109 Change in Business Rule for STEL Duration Type
- PMP-54672 /PMP-62385 Autopopulation of COC ID in Chemical Sample detail and COC Column added in Manage Sample
- PMP-47126 Remove the Unit of Measure of PPL across the system
Sample Dashboard
Manage Sample
Employee Notification Letter
Create Sample
- PMP-65719 Load results even if there is no Analytical Method identified in the CoC
- PMP-63696 Field in Noise Sample and Location information to be mandatory /non-mandatory configurable
- PMP-62159 Department in Sample details to be mandatory/non-mandatory configurable
Employee Notification Changes
PMP-59475 New Widget - Sample Results by Category
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Visible
Existing System:
- No Widget in Home page for Sample Result by Category
- Holistic view in home page
Enhanced System:
- New widget added to show statistical count of Sample Result by Category for both location and level, based on user scope
- X axis: Month of Current year
- Y axis: Count of Sample Result by Category
- Filter by physical, chemical or all samples
- Will show for Current year YTD
- Color coded as per the sample result categories
- Over Exposure: Red
- Over Standard: Orange
- Above Action Level: Yellow
- Below Action Level: Green
- ND (Non Detectable): Grey
- Existing Data : NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71103 Add Comments text box in Stressor Screen - detail and list
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Display comments field
Existing System:
- No comment field in Associate Stressor of QRA
- Capture comments while collecting stressor for qualitative risk assesment
Enhanced System:
- New comments field in Associate Stressor Details
- Existing Data : blank comments field will appear for comments
- Impacts: Stressor SOA, QRA report, BI
Manage Stressor
QRA Report
PMP-68600 Direct Monitoring Sample Equipment to have Contractor option
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Contractor option to appear
Existing System:
- For Direct Monitoring Sampling Equipments, Contractor option is missing. It is available for other equipments
- Gap
Enhanced System:
- Contractor option for Direct Monitoring Sampling equipments will be available
- Available for Direct Monitoring, Direct Monitoring - Detector Tube, Direct Monitoring - Gas and Vapour
- Existing Data: Will show contractor option
- Impacts: Manage Sample List, Sample Dashboard, IH Summary Report, IH Query Report, BI
PMP-66914 Free text for Analytical Method in Sample Result
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- Analytical method can be filled either in Sample Details or in Sample Result and it is a mandatory field
- It needs to be available in both places
- Its also relevant to have this field in sample result as during sample result evaluation by lab the analytical method lab has used would be pushed to this field
Enhanced System:
- New field for Analytical Method in Sample Result, which will be available irrespective of Analytical method being available in sample details
- Field type - free text box, 100 character max, Non-Mandatory
- While saving the value, it will check if the value exists in the current look up. If not then will create one in module set up
- If the Analytical Method in Sample Result is updated, it will also update the value in Sample Details
- Lab feed for COC samples will match if the Analytical Method recieved from lab is same as Sample Details
- If matches it will update/overwrite this value in the Analytical Method field in the Sample Result
- COC Exl, this field will be non-mandatory
- Sample Import Chemical - Analytical Method uploaded to autopopulate in Analytical Method is Sample Result
- Applicable to Sample Result of following Sample Types:
- Air Monitoring
- Passive Monitoring
- Wipe Sample
- Bulk Sample
- Gravity
- Existing Data: This field will be non-mandatory for COC file and would appear in Sample Results - lab for existing Sample Record
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71109 Change in Business Rule for STEL Duration Type
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Enhanced System:
- Duration Type for a sample is selected as STEL then
- Analyte OEL Adjustment should show No Shift Adjustment
- "Was the employee exposed to the analytic?" would be marked as Yes and to be disabled
- Applicable for all samples where Duration Type can be selected as STEL
- For Import template, if user selects STEL in duration type, then for successful upload it will validate values selected as "No shift adjustment" for Analyte OEL adjustment and value for "Was employee exposed?" to be YES if selected. If not, then it will not allow to upload and show validation message. For "STEL Duration type please select No shift adjustment for Analyte OEL adjustment" and Yes for "Was employee exposed to analytic throughout his or her entire work shift?"
- Applicable Samples
- Air Monitoring
- Passive Monitoring
- Direct Monitoring
- Gravity Sample
- Direct Monitoring Gas and Vapours
- Direct Monitoring Detector Tube
- Direct Read Instrument
- Wipe
- Existing Data: User should be able to edit and change it
- Impacts: Chemical Import, Direct Read Instrument Import
PMP-54672 Auto population of COC ID in Chemical Sample detail
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default:
Existing System:
- No linked COC information available in the Sample
- When a Sample is pushed to a COC, user doesn't know by looking at the Sample what COC the Sample is on
Enhanced System:
- Read only field in Sample Details populating the COC ID for the Sample that is sent to Lab
If Sample is sent to Lab and COC is deleted, then COC ID would not appear
- In Manage Sample screen new column “COC ID” added (PMP-62385)
- If someone pushes 30 chemicals to a COC, it would show the same COC number for all 30 of those chemicals. This way can filter by all chemicals on a certain COC
- Existing Data
- Impacts: NA
PMP-47126 Remove the Unit of Measure of PPL across the system
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: PPL removed
Existing System:
- PPL unit is available through out the Sample Results unit field
- This is an incorrect unit and needs to be removed
Enhanced System:
- PPL unit removed in following fields:
- Lab amounts
- Lab concentration
- Sample result
- OEL | Adjusted OEL
- Detection limit
- Detection code
- Existing Data: Data with PPL to be replaced by MG/M3 (data script)
- Impacts: Units in following areas will also show PPL removed for Sample Results:
- Application: Sample Result in Sample dashboard, Sample Result Information
- Reports: IH Summary Report, Employee Notification, IH Query Report
- Notification: Sample Invalidated, Result obtained, Sample Approved, Daily Notification
PMP-60034 Sample ID to auto-populate in Sample Dashboard summary
Configurable: NA,
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Sample ID will be displayed
Existing System:
- Sample Dashboard Summary doesn't have Sample ID field
- Missing information
Enhanced System:
- Sample Dashboard Summary will display the Sample ID
- Sample ID will also appear in Employee Notification letter
- Existing Data: display the Sample ID
- Impacts: NA
PMP-60033 Include Sample ID in the Employee Notification Letter
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Employee Notification letter will display Sample ID
Existing System:
- Sample ID missing in Employee Notification Letter
- Missing information
Enhanced System:
- Sample ID will appear in Employee Notification Letter
- Not applicable for customers who have different customized design and content for Employee Notification letter
- Existing Data: will display the Sample ID
- Impacts: NA
PMP-69458 Approve All feature in Manage Samples
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Approve All feature to appear in Manage Sample List
- Enhanced System:
- For better user experience and less navigation, new feature, Approve All option added to Sample List
- This will appear for the samples which are ready for approval
- User can bulk select the Samples to approve
- Based on the Sample Approval Permission, "Approve All" button would appear/hide
- Sample Invalidation will not appear in view for Sample Ready for approval
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71871 IH Query Report Column Selection
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Column selection will appear
Existing System:
- Column selection for report not available in current system
- Inconvinient for user to choose and view the relevant information
Enhanced System:
- Column seclection available now in IH Query Report
- In all IH Query Reports Level 0 to Level 1, Location, Sample Date, Sample ID and IH Log Number would be included by default. These columns will not appear in column selection.
- Existing Data: Column selection will appear
- Impacts: As we have added a new parameter (Column Selection), the existing subscriptions to these reports won't work and need to be deleted from the system. All customers need to be communicated on the same
PMP-65719 Load results even if there is no Analytical Method identified in the COC
Configurable: Yes
- Title: AnalyticalMethodCOCMandatory ,Yes - field is mandatory No - non-mandatory
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: Mandatory
Existing System:
- Currently Analytical Method is the mandatory field to upload results
Purpose: COC Load results even if there is no Analytical Method identified in the CoC for some specific customers
Enhanced System:
- For COC result upload analytical method would be mandatory/non-mandatory configurable
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-63696 Field in Noise Sample and Location information to be mandatory/non-mandatory configurable
- Title:
- Fields Calibration Results Mandatory, Yes = Mandatory / No = Non-Mandatory, Default - no
- Default Field Calibration Date, Yes = should show Sample Date / No = no change, Default - yes
- Default Pre-Shift Calibration Date, Yes = should show Sample Date / No = no change, Default - yes
- Default Pre-Shift Calibration Value, Value = 114 (values configurable in backend) / No = No change, Default - 114
- Default Pre and Post Callibration With, Yes = Yes / No = No, Default - yes
- Default Dosimeter Response, Value = Slow, Default - Slow
- Default Weighing Scale, Value = A/B/C, Default - A
- Sampled By Mandatory, Yes = Mandatory, No = Non-Mandatory, Default - no
- Sample Location Comments Mandatory, Yes = Mandatory / No = Non-Mandatory, Default - no
- For some fields in Location Information - Mandatory / Non-Mandatory information are already available. Remaning few are included
- Public/Private: Private
Enhanced System:
- Sample Location Information - following to be Mandatory / Non-Mandatory configurable
- Department
- Work Area or Product Line
- Task
- Job Classification
- Task Classification
- Sampled By
- Comments
- Noise-Field Calibration Results
- Default Field Calibration and Pre-Shift Calibration Date to Sample Date
- Default Pre-Shift Calibration Value to 114
- Default Pre- and Post-Calibration with +/- 0.5 dB to yes
- Default Dosimeter Response to Slow
- Default Weighing Scale to A
- All field in Noise-Field Calibration to be Mandatory/Non-Mandatory configurable other than Post Shift Field, which will remain as Non-Mandatory
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Location Information
Noise - Field Calibration
PMP-62159 Department in Sample details to be Mandatory / Non-Mandatory configurable
Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title: IsDepartmentMandatory, Values: Yes = Department is marked Mandatory, No = Non-Mandatory
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
- Department field in Sample Details - Employee information to be Mandatory / Non-Mandatory configurable
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-53002 Customer-Specific Employee Notification Letter Changes
Configurable: Yes
- Title: IsChevronEmployeeNotificationApplicable, Yes = Customer-specific Notification Letter with changes applicable / No = No changes
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: No
Existing System:
- Different footer information and presence of Adjusted OEL Column
Enhanced System:
- Additional customer-specific changes to Employee Notification Letter for Noise
- Adjusted OEL/TLV column removed
- Footer information reworded to:
- Over Standard - Above or Equal to the Exposure Limit and Proper PPE Use
- Over Exposure - Above or Equal the Exposure Limit and Insufficient PPE
- Existing Data: Show the changes
- Impacts: NA
PMP-71960 New QRA Report - Customer-Specific
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: New format applicable
Enhanced System:
- New Qualitative Risk Assesment Report, "Qualitative Risk Assesment Detail Report V2" based on customer requirement
- Field removed - SEG, Group Size, Hazard Type, Exposure Potential Certainty Rating, Total Exposure Index, Multiplier and Version
- Field added - OEL Value
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
New Report
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