20.2 Foundation Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-69555 Option to set kiosk-mode session type or public user in the product
PMP-69551 Enable user widget to display data with level selection
PMP-72334 Add Supervisor ID and Supervisor Email for the foundation package
PMP-73161 Hide employee date of birth field in Cognos model and display age in number
PMP-61461 As an end-user, when creating a new location, I would like to have the ability to copy an existing location
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Does not have a copy location option
Purpose: Ability to copy a location along with lookup and setup values
Enhanced System:
Provide copy location button in the Enterprise Setup > Location Setup
Select the location to be copied, the user can't select multiple locations for copying
Select the lookup or setup needs to copy along with the location
Organization Component
Value Stream
Work Shift
Job Classification
Work Area
These options can be enabled/disabled for a customer with a technical assistance ticket
The new location will be available at the same levels in the Enterprise Map as the originating location
Location Code and Name will be copied with a prefix "Copy of," the user needs to change it to the actual code and name of the new location
Country and Status will be copied as the originating location
Activation Date will be populated with the current date
Copy WCC Form information if the originating location belongs to the USA
Assign Users and Inbound and Outbound Mapping will not be copied
Impacts: NA
Step 1: Enterprise Setup > Location Setup
Step 2: Select Lookup and Setup to be copied along with a location
Step 3: Update the information as per the new location
Step 4: Assign user scope from location detail "Assign Users" tab or user detail "Scope" tab to access the location
PMP-69555 Option to set kiosk mode session type or public user in the product
Configurable: Yes
Title: Disable KIOSK User Session Feature
Public/Private: Private
Default: Yes
Existing System:
Do not have the option to set a kiosk or public type user
Purpose: Provide an option to create a kiosk or public type user, the user session will never expire until the user logs out manually. This will help with common access to the system.
Enhanced System:
Provide a checkbox to set a KIOSK user in the user detail screen
KIOSK user will have all the functionality similar to a normal user
KIOSK users can have an SSO or NON-SSO login type
Once KIOSK user will log in to the application, it will not ask for resetting the user's session until the user logs out manually. This will help with common access to the system.
System View for "KIOSK User" in the User List screen
KIOSK user session functionality is not applicable to mobile
Impacts: NA
Adding KIOSK users will not be available in User Import and Feed
It's advisable to create fewer numbers of KIOSK in the application, as it will consume more session-related resources in the servers during the long session duration
The session of the KIOSK user is subject to internet connectivity or application pool refreshed from ProcessMAP
Step 1: Setup a KIOSK-type user (Security > Users & Setup > Location Setup > Administration Setup > Users)
Step 2: Filter KIOSK-type user in the user list
PMP-69554 Configuration to set maximum user session time
Configurable: Yes
Title: MaxUserSessionTime
Public/Private: Private
Default: 0
Title: MaxUserSessionExpireMessageTime
Public/Private: Private
Default: 5 minutes
Existing System:
There is no limit to the user's application use session time
User can extend session time by responding to the session extend message "Are you still there?"
Purpose: Provide configuration to set maximum user session time. This will allow restricting the users to use the application for a specified session time within the same session.
Enhanced System:
Configuration to set a max user session time
Configuration to set a max user session expired time message
Display session expire message to save the in-progress activities as per session expire message time configuration
Don't allow to extend user session time beyond the max user session time and logout the application automatically
Impacts: Users may lose unsaved information, due to automatic logout. This feature should validate properly from customers before implementation to avoid training issues.
Users can log in again to use the application with a new session
PMP-71820 Integrate Logout & SLO logout functionality with session expire
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: No
Existing System:
Session expired functionality only taking care of cookie deletion and user session abandoning
Logout and single logout (SSO) is not available with the session expired functionality
Purpose: Add logout and single logout (SSO) functionality to the session expired functionality. This is applicable to the SLO-implemented customers.
Enhanced System:
Added logout functionality to session expired functionality
Added single logout (SSO) to session expired functionality
Impacts: NA
PMP-71820 Integrate Logout and SLO logout functionality with session expire
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: No
Existing System:
Session expired functionality only taking care of cookie deletion and user session abandoning
Logout and single logout (SSO) is not available with the session expired functionality
Purpose: Add logout and single logout (SSO) functionality to the session expired functionality. This is applicable to the SLO implemented customers.
Enhanced System:
Added logout functionality to session expired functionality
Added single logout (SSO) to session expired functionality
Issue fixed for session timeout, now customer session time can support as per the value provided in the configuration "SessionTimeOut"
Impacts: NA
PMP-69551 Enable user widget to display data with level selection
Configurable: NA
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Display user widget with location selection
Purpose: To display user widget data points information for multiple locations
Enhanced System:
Enabled user widget with level selection
Display counts for the locations mapped to the selected level
Impacts: NA
PMP-71080 Option to upload login screen background image and configuration to manage the screen features
Configurable: Yes
Title: ModernLoginScreenFeatures
Public/Private: Private
Default: DemoBackground|DemoBackgroundIcons|DemoLogo|DemoDescription|ForgotLoginName|ForgotPassword|FAQ|SupportEmail|iOSAppLink|AndroidAppLink
Existing System:
Can't change modern login screen background image from the application
No configuration to show/hide modern login screen features
Purpose: Manage login screen background image and features using configuration
Enhanced System:
Option to upload a background image of modern login screen from system Setup > Company Information
Option to manage login screen feature based on configuration
The default value with all the current features
Remove the feature from the configuration that doesn't require the site or customer.
e.g., to have a customer-specific background image. Configuration would be "ForgotLoginName|ForgotPassword|FAQ|SupportEmail|iOSAppLink|AndroidAppLink"
Impacts: NA
Upload Background Image :
PMP-71081 Configuration to manage user email template
Configurable: Yes
Title: UserEmailTemplateType
Public/Private: Private
Default: Product
Existing System:
No configuration to manage customer-specific user email template
Purpose: Provide configuration to manage customer-specific user email template
Enhanced System:
User email template based on configuration
Customer-specific email template
Impacts: NA
PMP-72334 Add Supervisor ID and Supervisor Email for the foundation package
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
No fields for supervisor in employee model
Purpose: Provide supervisor information in employee model
Enhanced System:
Add supervisor name
Add supervisor email
Impacts: NA
PMP-73161 Hide employee date of birth field in Cognos model and display age in number
Configurable: No
Title: NA
Public/Private: NA
Default: NA
Existing System:
Employee date of birth information in the date format
Purpose: Remove employee date of birth field as per data privacy
Enhanced System:
Removed employee date of birth
Added age information
Age in number
Age level in range (<20 , 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 and older)
Age order in which age level range (1 or 2 or 3 ...)
e.g., Age =30 , Age Level =30-39 and Age Order = 3
Impacts: NA
20.1 vs 20.2
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