19.2.1 Industrial Hygiene Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level change
- PMP-59478 Widget :Sample by Status
- PMP-59477 Widget :Sample Plan Completed
- PMP-49006 Widget :Over Exposure Samples
- PMP-64153 Change the Noise Sample from Diagnostics to Plannned Sample till status Sample Approved
- PMP-63598 LMAX field to be added below LPeak
- PMP-62519 Link Original Samples to QRA
- PMP-62462 Associated Sample details as part of Sample Plan Record
- PMP-57091 Create New Sample -Planned Sample - Sample Plan Record Changes
- IH Reports Converted to SSRS
- IH Stability Items
PMP-59478 Widget :Sample by Status
Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Widget will be available
Existing System:
- No widget to view Sample by Status
- At a glance view on Sample by Status
Enhanced System:
- In home page sample status widget would appear for current year displaying Sample status count for Chemical Samples ,Physical Samples and both Physical and Chemical Samples
- Applicable to both location and level
- Existing Data: No Change
- Impacts:NA
- Reports:NA
- Notification: NA
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PMP-59477 Widget :Sample Plan Completed
Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Widget would be available in Home page
Existing System:
- Widget in IH Module Legacy Dashboard
- Legacy Module Dashboard would be depricated .
Enhanced System:
- In home page Sample Plan Completed widget would appear for Current year Vs Previous year
- Applicable to both location and level
- Widget elipse will provide Remove Widget option
- Existing Data - NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-49006 Widget :Over Exposure Samples
Configurable: NA, Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Widget would be available in Home page
Existing System:
There is no widget in home page to display the over exposure by Sample at a glance even though data is available in the system.User visit the sample list page and searches the information
Challenge -
Strategic fit -
- Real time information at a glance on overexposure category is lost ,thus prohibiting user to take corrective measure in right time
Enhanced System:
- Over Expsoure Sample widget in the home page
- Display total count of samples created for that location (period -Fiscal year,calendar year ,rolling calendar) ,count of samples with over exposure category and comparison count with respect to previous year .
- Over Exposure Count would have hyperlink to Sample List Page
- User can add or remove the widget from the home page
- Widget will be available at both location and level
- User with no view permission ,Count will not be clickable
- User with View permission - can view the link but not edit
- User with edit permission can view and edit samples other than Approved Samples
- Impacts: No Impact
- Existing Data : NA
On clicking the count would redirect to overexposure sample page displaying the Overexposure Samples for Current Year and Previous
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PMP-64153 Change the Noise Sample from Diagnostics to Plannned Sample till status Sample Approved
Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private:NA
- Default: Contractor option to appear in direct read instrument Equipment owned by
Existing System:
- Diagnostic Noise sample after saved ,didnt allowed to change to Planned sample after result recieved
- Certain noise sample when imported to the system stays in diagnostic state .It further cannot be changed to Planned
Enhanced System:
- System would allow to change Noise Sample from Diagnostic to Planned till Sample is Approved
Impacts: NA
PMP-63598 LMAX field added for Noise Samples
Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: LMaxMandatory -Values : Yes / No .Yes - LMax will be Mandatory .No - LMax will not be mandatory in Sample Result Noise Screen
- Public / Private: Private
- Default: LMax field will be non mandatory at product level
Enhanced System:
- New field as LMax similar to LPeak added in Noise Result Equipment
- It will appear after LPeak
Existing Data: Field will remain blank for eisting data
Impact: IH Query Report , Cognos
PMP-62519 Link Original Samples to QRA
Configurable: NA ,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: QRA dashboard will display the Associated Sample Setcion
Existing System:
- No visibility on Planned Samples Linked with QRA .
Purpose: Incomplete information on the planned sample cycle
Enhanced System:
- QRA dashboard will have a Associated Sample Section
- This would be a SOA grid
- Sample ID would have hyperlink to view the Sample
- Existing Data:NA
- Impact:NA
PMP-62462 Associated Sample details as part of Sample Plan Record
Configurable: Yes,Product Level Change
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: Private
- Default:
Existing System:
Sample Plan Record > Associate Samples - Few columns were missing and incorrectly placed
Purpose: Complete and correct placement of columns
Enhanced System:
- New Column Added - Sample Ingternal ID ,Sample Equipment ,Duration Type,Results
- Columns Rearranged
- Existing Data: Will display the new columns with arrangements
- Impact: NA
PMP-57091 Create New Sample -Planned Sample - Sample Plan Record Changes
Configurable: NA ,Product Level
- Title: NA
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: Auto-change associated sample status from "Sent to Lab " to "Not Sent to Lab" during COC file deletion
Existing System:
No Sample Plan displayed associated with Sample Plan Record in the page Sample Plan record column in Add New Sample > Planned Sample > Sample Plan Record -
Sample Plan record list is not SOA
To track the progress of sample activities against different plans System can't distinguish between multiple plans during the same calendar year if they overlap.
So if a user wants to create department specific plans, we have no way of knowing which sample plan record is associated with which plan.
Usuability issue(text overlapping) was also detected , as the list is not SOA
Enhanced System:
- New Column added in the "Create new sample - Planned Sample" list screen that will show the Associated Sample Plan ID with the Sample Plan record.
- Columns will appeared rearranged Department
- Grid converted to SOA
- Existing Data: NA
- Impact: NA
PMP-65880 LPeak & Lmax to be mandatory non mandatory configurable
Configurable: Customer Specific
- Title:
- Key IsLMaxMandatory -Values : Yes / No .Yes - LMax Will Mandatory and No LMax will not mandatory in Sample Result Noise Screen
- key IsLPeakMandatory-Values : Yes / No .Yes - Lpeak Will Mandatory and No LPeak will not mandatory in Sample Result Noise Screen
- Public / Private: NA
- Default: No
Existing System: Lpeak and LMax are non mandatory in the system
Purpose:Some customer want these fields to be mandatory
Enhanced system: LPeak and LMax field to be mandatory / non mandatory configurable
Existing Data: NA
Impact: NA
IH Reports -Converted from Crystal to SSRS
1) Blank Sample Form
IH Stability Items
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