Industrial Hygiene Module Overview

Industrial Hygiene Module Overview

The Industrial Hygiene module allows users to create qualitative risk assessments; manage action items; develop and export sampling plans; create sample records; create chain of custody forms; record sampling results via manual entry, import or lab feed; approve samples and generate employee notification letters

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Step-by-step guide

Accessing the Industrial Hygiene

  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Industrial Hygiene to view the Industrial Hygiene menu item.

    Location Information Key Fields

    Module DashboardIt allows users to access summary data based on the plans, samples and results recorded.
    Dashboard-BetaCharts and Graphs based on the samples and results entered into the module.
    Create New Assessment 

    Identifies the risks associated with various stressors and allows users to evaluate the risks for each stressor and department. In addition, users can export the stressors identified in a qualitative risk assessment to a new or existing sample plan.

    Copy Assessment This is used to create duplicate assessment.
    Manage Assessment It allows users to view and export all the Assessment created in the Industrial Hygiene module.

    Export to Plan - New Sample Plan

    Exporting a Plan by using a New Sample Plan
    Export to Plan - Existing Sample PlanExporting a Plan by using a Existing Sample Plan
    Create New Sample PlanSample plans allows users to track the number of samples they plan to take per stressor and department based on hazard rating and group size
    Manage Sample PlanIt allows users to view and export all the Sample Plans created in the Industrial Hygiene module.
    Create New SampleIt allows users to create records for blanks, planned and diagnostic samples. The samples can measure chemicals, chemical panels and physical stressors
    Manage SamplesIt allows users to view and export all the Samples created in the Industrial Hygiene module.
    Blank Sample FormA Blank sample form will be generated.
    Chain of Custody - Create New It allows users to create the chain of custody (COC) form for a group of samples and select the laboratory where the samples will be sent for analysis. COC forms must be included in hard copy form with the samples, but can also be sent electronically to the lab and electronically (if available for the lab selected)
    Manage Chain of CustodyIt allows users to view all the Chain of Custody forms created in the Industrial Hygiene module.
    Blank COC FormA Blank COC form will be generated for the selected Labs.
    Manage Lab Feed - Import ResultsIt allows users to manage lab feed sample and Import results
    Manage Lab FeedIt allows users to manage lab feed sample results received back from the lab where the samples were analyzed (if a feed has been established with the lab doing the analysis)
    Manage Action ItemsIt allows users to view and export all of the action items created in the Industrial Hygiene module.
    Sample Import-ChemicalIt allows users to upload chemical sample results using an Excel import file.
    Sample Import-NoiseIt  allows users to upload noise sample results using an Excel import file.
    Dashboard Manager Utility used to configure new dashboards, normally not available in production sites.

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