Investigator Report
Investigator Report
- As the name suggests, this Report will assist the investigation teams during the investigation process by providing insight into the statistics related to an Incident, Involved Employee, Supervisor of the Employee, Department, Work Shift, etc. Moreover, it will also capture a snapshot of the Incident-related data points from different modules for a quick view.
Step-by-step Instructions:
- Create an Injury/Illness incident and navigate to the Incident Summary screen after completing the Incident Detail Report.
2. Click on the 'Investigator Report' button (in the Incident Summary screen) to view the report details.
3. Click on the 'Export' button to download the Investigator Report in PDF format.
- There is a private Custom Setting key to turn ON/OFF this functionality.
- This report will be available only for Injury/Illness Incident Type.
- In case of multiple injury only first Employee data will be displayed.
- Metrics/Statistics from other module will be displayed only if the customer has subscribed to those modules like BBS, Training, Asset etc.
- IMS statistics will only include those Incidents where Detail Report is 'Complete' because incase of 'Draft' and 'Incomplete' Incidents, many data points like Cause, Nature will be missing.
- The report will pull all statistics for the Incident as per Incident Date. However the statistics will be a snapshot of the time when detail report is completed for the incident
- After that the report will always show same statistics irrespective of the changes made in the application for existing incidents
- The permission to access this report will be dependent on the Investigation details permissions.
- This report will be available only for new Incidents because for existing Incidents snapshot will not be available.
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