20.1 App Builder Release Notes
New and Improved Features
New Features
- Data Source Management
- Data Source Filters
- Customize the System/Auto Generated ID
- Introduce New Control-Tree View for Showing the Department Hierarchy
- Enhance Mobile List-View Builder to Support Two-Column Display - with Action Item Counts
- Color Coding for Segmented control
- Information Guide Note
- Ability to Select "Icons" for Fields
Improved Features
- Record Level Permissions (Self and Others)
- Ability to Sort and Save the Forms Displayed on the App's home
- Persist the View (Card or List) Selection by the User's App's Home
- Hiding a Form in Mobile and Display Only on the Web (Restricted Access of Apps)
- Adding App Roles as a Data Source and Adding Role ID Column to User Data Source
- Inactive Lookups Should Show as Strikeout in the List Screen
- Show Record Created By and Date, Updated By and Date in the List View Along with the Location
- Enhance Image Control to Support Uploading Attachments
Usability Changes (Mobile)
- Show Progression in an App
- Landing Page for the App
- Reviqo Apps Page with the Record Count
- Make Section Separator More Pronounced
- Show Location Name in All Screens
- Calendar Icon to All Pages Except Details
- Dropdown Control Redesign
- Toggle Button Style Changes
- Show Only Five Icons in Portrait and Six in Landspace in a Row for iPads with Larger Image
Usability Changes (Web)
- Toaster Pop-Up - It would now allow the user to do other actions without having to close it
Technical Enhancements
- Data Source Structure/Data Flattening
- App Builder Microservices De-Monolith Changes
Data Source Management
Existing System: There is no UI to manage all data sources
Purpose: To improve usability and enhance the features
Enhanced System: User would be able to:
- Add a multi-column data source
- Easily access/add/manage all the data sources from "Manage Data Sources" screen
- Enhanced import data source feature
- Ability to build dependencies for custom data sources
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- None
Navigate to Manage Data Sources:
Manage Data Sources List:
Add/Edit Data Source: (Note: Only Custom Data Sources can be Edited/Added)
Data Source Filters
Existing System: We currently don't have this feature
Purpose: Ability to filter the data source values
Enhanced System: User would be able to:
- Add filters to a control by selecting the values from the data source fields
- Apply filters on both system and custom data sources
Impacts for Existing forms:
- No impact for existing forms as the filters would be blank
Customize the System/Auto-Generated ID
Existing System: Currently, it appears as <Formcode>-<YYYY>-<DAP>-<timestamp> - Example: "PTW-2020-DAP-0120020156499"
Purpose: Ability to configure the system generated ID as per business needs
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure the format using the below options:
- Country
- Location Code
- Form Code
- Calendar Year
- Fiscal Year
- Timestamp
- Sequence Number by Form
- Sequence Number by Form by Location
- Sequence Number by Form by Location by Calendar Year
- Sequence Number by Form by Location by Fiscal Year
- For new forms, the default format would be "@@Formcode-@@CalendarYear-@@Timestamp"
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- The default format for existing forms would be "@@FormCode-@@CalendarYear-DAP-@@Timestamp"
- As this is the current format, there is no impact to existing forms data
- If user changes the format, it would apply to the records created going forward
Configuring ID Format in Builder:
Introduce New Control-Tree View for Showing the Department Hierarchy
Existing System: Currently, it appears as a flat list in the drop-down
Purpose: To provide flexibility to user to select the right value using the hierarchy
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to see the data in hierarchical view
- Currently, this control would be only for single selection
- User would be able to select either the parent or child departments
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- As this is a new control, user has to add this to the form to see it
- Any other control configured with department control would behave as earlier
Configuring the Control in the Form:
Selecting a Department on the Web:
Display on the Form:
Display in List:
Selection | Details Display |
Introduce - Summary Builder (Mobile)
Existing System: Currently, we don't have summary screen for apps
Purpose: To provide a summary of the record without having to navigate to the details screen
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure the fields which they want to see on summary
- User would also be able to see the Attachments, Action items, Repeaters and Related Data
- There would be additional options in the summary:
- Export PDF
- Duplicate
- Email me a Copy
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- All the fields configured for display in the List would come in the summary also. User can change this by form
- All the action buttons would be by default turned on
- (Attachment, Action Item...) Cards wouldn't be turned on
Configuring the Summary in App Settings:
Summary Page Display on Mobile:
Summary Page | Ellipse Options |
Enhance Mobile List-View Builder to Support Two-Column Display - with Action Item Counts
Existing System: Currently, we don't have two column support for apps mobile list
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure the fields in a two-column format
- User would also be able to see the counts of Overdue and Open Action Items
- There would be additional icons:
- Pin icon - to denote if there are attachments associated with that record
- Sync icon - to denote if the record is not yet synced to server
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- All the fields configured for display in the List would come in the summary also. User can change this by form
- All the action buttons would be turned on by default
- (Attachment, Action Item, etc.) Cards wouldn't be turned on
Form Builder Configuration:
Mobile List Display:
Color Coding for Segmented Control
Existing System: Currently, we don't have color display for options in segmented color
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure colors for each of the individual values
- On selecting a value, user would be able to see the color configured
- Default color would be "Standard Blue"
- This color configuration would be possible only in case of single selection
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- All the existing forms segmented control colors would be defaulted to "Blue"
Information Guide Note
Existing System: Currently, we don't have the option to configure guide note for any field
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure guide note for the controls
- Guide note can be configured for all controls except Section, Repeater and Attachment controls
- We have an option either to select "Custom Text" as a guide note or "URL"
- Guide notes would display only in Mobile and not on web forms
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- No impact
Ability to Select Icons for fields
Existing System: Currently, default icons are assigned to each control
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would be able to configure icons for the controls
- A library of icons is available for user to choose the icons
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- All default icons are assigned to existing controls
Record Level Permissions (Self and Others)
Existing System: Currently, there is no record level security applied to apps
Purpose: To enhance the security of apps
Enhanced System:
- Admin user would now be able to further split permissions into "Self" and "Others" to view app's data
- The same would be applied for form share as well
- When "Others" permission is selected, the respective permission from "Self" would also get applied
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- Both Self and Others would be selected for all the apps
Security → Roles:
Form Share:
Ability to Sort and Save the Forms Displayed on the App's Home
Existing System: Currently, all apps are sorted by created by date
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- Admin user would now be able to sort the forms as per his/her preference
- Once saved, the apps would be displayed to all users in the same order
- Any new form created would appear on the top of the list
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- Existing apps would still be sorted by created date
Persist the View (Card or List) Selection by User on the App's Home
Existing System: Currently, card view is the default view for web and icon view for mobile
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User's last viewed option would now persist - if he/she selects the list view then every time the app will show the list view
- Even on the web, the last viewed option would persist
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- The default settings would apply and there is no impact to existing forms
Hiding a Form in Mobile and Display Only on the Web (Restricted Access of Apps)
Existing System: Currently, any would be displayed both on web and mobile
Purpose: To provide flexibility
Enhanced System:
- Now, there is a new configuration (backend) to support show/hide apps
- Using this configuration an app can be hidden on mobile and can be available only on web
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- All the existing forms would be available on both web and mobile as per the current configuration
Adding App Roles as a Data Source and Adding Role ID Column to User Data Source
Existing System: Currently, we don't have roles as a data source
Purpose: To provide flexibility to filter users based on their roles
Enhanced System:
- Admin user would now be able to configure "App Roles" data source to a control
- Based on this control, he/she can configure another control with "User's" data source
- User would be able to build dependency between both using the Role ID column
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- None
Inactive Lookups Should Show as Strikeout in the List Screen
Existing System: Currently, this implementation is only there for system lookups
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would now be able to view all the inactive values in strikeout
- This implementation is applicable for both web and mobile
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- Data of the existing apps also would be shown in the strike-out format if the value is inactive
Show Record Created By and Date, Updated By and Date in the List View Along with the Location
Existing System: Currently, we don't have these as options in list to pull data
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- User would now see additional options like Location Name, Created By, Created Date, Updated By and Updated Date
- Once options are saved to the view, the list would show these for each record available for that app
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- These fields would be available for the existing apps as well
Enhance Image Control to Support Uploading Attachments
Existing System: Currently, image control has option to support URL
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
- Admin user would now be able to upload an image
- This image would be rendered both on web and mobile
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- No impact
Usability Changes to Mobile App
Existing System: Currently, there are few usability gaps
Purpose: To improve usability
Enhanced System:
Mobile App Common Changes:
- Show location name in All Screens
- Calendar Icon to be shown in all pages except details
- Apps/Modules List with the record count
Controls Redesign:
- Dropdown control redesign
- Toggle Button style changes
Landing Page:
- Show the quick links for creating a new record, view records and manage action items
- Have "My To Do" section with count of all action items
Details Page:
- Make more pronounced section separator
- Show progression in an app
Impacts to Existing Forms:
- No Impacts
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