20.1 Occupational Health Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level
PMP-5824: Alerts and Reminders in Appointment Detail
Customer Specific
PMP-59638: Administer Immunization Changes
PMP-50953: Show/Hide Configuration for Questions in Biometric Encounter Type
PMP-62164: Changes to Audiometric Encounter Details
PMP-58229: Adding Configuration to Make Leave Layoff Non-Mandatory
PMP-62186: Reason for Follow Up to be Made Non-Mandatory
PMP-66726 View Employee Current and Historical Data in Employee Medical Profile Irrespective of Location
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will display employee historical data in Employee Medical Profile
Existing System:
- User can currently Add, Edit and Delete Employee Records for current location in Employee Medical Profile
- For other location records, user can view the record in list but can't view the details of the record
- User unable to view the historical records details of the employee in Employee Medical Profile
Enhanced System:
- User should be able to view the details of the record of other locations
- However he/she should not be able to edit/delete the other location records
- Save button for other location records appears hidden
- Location-specific look-ups field in read-only format for other location records
User should be able to view historical data for following sections in Employee Medical Profile:
- appointments
- encounter type
- soap notes
- clinic notes
- leaves
- restriction
- action items
- attachments
- incidents
Encounter Type Accordion Changes for Other Location Record
- Employee Details - Save will appear hidden
- Encounter Type Details - Save/Add will appear hidden
- Encounter Type Accordion -Edit will appear hidden
- soap notes - Add/Save/Delete will appear hidden
- clinic notes - Add/Save Delete will appear hidden
- action items - Add/Save/Delete will appear hidden
- attachments - Add/Save/Delete will appear hidden
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
Record details can be viewed. Save Button disabled other location record
PMP-58244: Appointment Alerts and Reminder Integration
Configurable: NA
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Will display Alerts and Reminder in appointment detail
Existing System:
- User can send the Appointment Schedule Notification to the Employee and his/her Supervisor by selecting the Send Notification Immediately
- Limited user notified in current system
- Unable to send reminder before appointment
- Lack of visibility on users/employee/emails who would get notified
Enhanced System:
- Old field "Send Notification Immediately" removed
- New fields for Alerts and Reminders
- Notify Employee - checkbox, checked by default and disabled. Will be available in TO field (all personnel type and visitor)
- Notify Employee Supervisor - checkbox. Non-mandatory. Default - uncheck. Will be available in CC field
- Notify Healthcare Provider - checkbox. Non-mandatory. Default - uncheck. Will be available in CC field
- Notify Others - text box, comma separated
- Notify immediately - checkbox, default unchecked, non-mandatory
- Notify day before appointment - Checkbox, default unchecked, non-mandatory
On appointment save and edit/save notification will be triggered
- No change in notification content
- No changes done in BI for alerts and reminder
- Existing Data: NA
- Impacts: NA
PMP-59638 : Changes to Administer Immunization Details Fields
Configurable : DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Fields will appear mandatory
Enhanced System:
Following fields in Administer Immunization details will be mandatory/ non-mandatory configurable
a) Time
b) Lot Number
c) Expiration Date
d) Dose
e) Injection Site
f) Route
g) Immunization Registry Reviewed?
PMP-50953: Show/ Hide Configuration for Questions in Biometric Encounter Type
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Show
Enhanced System:
- Show/Hide configuration for questions in Biometric Encounter Type
PMP-62164: Changes to Audiometric Encounter Details
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
Followings fields in Audiometric Details would be mandatory/non-mandatory configurable
1. Serial #: Audiometry Encounter details > Serial number
2. Calibration Date: Manage Equipment > Audiometry > Calibration Date
PMP-58229: Adding Configuration to Make Leave Layoff Configurable
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
- “Indefinite Medical Layoff Date” field to be Mandatory/ Non-Mandatory configurable
PMP-62186: Reason for Follow-Up to be Made Non-Mandatory
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
- Across all encounters, "Reason for follow up" fields to be mandatory/non-mandatory configurable
PMP-52941: BP Units Default
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Enhanced System:
- In Encounter Vitals under "Perform Blood Pressure Measurement," both for Systolic and Diastolic Reading, units to defaulted to “mm Hg"
PMP-68834: Leaves and Restriction and Post-Offer Physical Fields Mandatory/Non-Mandatory and Show/Hide Configurable
Configurable: DB Configurable
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: Mandatory
Enhanced System:
Following fields in the related screens are mandatory/non-mandatory and show/hide configurable:
- Time and Attendance for WC Updated
- Through
- FMLA/Medical Leave (Status)
- STD (Status)
- WC Approved Through
- Employee Phone Number
- First Date of Onset
- Treatment
Post-Offer Physical:
- Medical Questionnaire
- POET (Post Offer Employment Testing)
- Date audiometric test completed
- Date drug alcohol test completed
- Date vision test completed
- Notes
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