24.1 LMS Release Notes

24.1 LMS Release Notes

New and Improved Features 

Product Level Change


Product Level Change

 PMP-95616: Efficiently assigning sessions in bulk to either all or multiple locations simultaneously.

  • Configurable: No
  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA

Existing System

  • Currently, the session details page doesn't have an option to assign the session to all/most locations and all employees. The current design to select the employee picklist, adding all locations and then all employees is resulting in slow loading times thereby impeding the ability to assign the session.


  • To provide an option to bulk assign employees to a session that is easy to use and doesn't impact performance.  

Enhanced System:

  • The enhanced system aims to address the performance degradation, loading times and provide a simple option to enroll all employees.

  • The system now allows the creation of up to 20,000 assignments at once, calculated by multiplying the number of employees by the number of courses.

Impacts: NA

User Interface:

a) Select 'All/Multiple Locations Employees' under 'Assign to Category'.

b) Select the radio button of either All Locations or Custom Locations. Provide the Locations if Custom is selected. Click on 'Save' to save the details.

c) The request is successfully saved.

Status Screen: Allows user to check the status of the Bulk-assignment request.  

d) Once the auto-assignment is complete, the user who created the session will get a notification that the session is successfully created.

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   PMP-95618: Modifying the notification setup for session creation to improve performance.

  • Configurable: No
  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA

Existing System

  • Currently, once the session is created, the notifications are sent immediately to the employees. However, assignment to larger employees results in slowness in saving the data and has performance issues. 


  • To enhance the performance of the session creation process.

Enhanced System:

  • With this enhancement, notifications for assignments exceeding 1000 will be sent to employees gradually during the day, offering a more controlled approach, particularly when managing a substantial volume of assignments.

Impacts: NA

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 PMP-95619: Training Plans to be location specific instead of being available in all locations.

  • Configurable: No
  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA

Existing System

  • The trainings plans created at a specific location but visible to all locations. Even deleting the plans will delete it from all locations.


  • To establish a constraint or rule regarding the availability of training plans in all locations and also to ensure that the training plans remain relevant and applicable to the specific setting where they were originally created.

Enhanced System:

  • If the training plans are created at a specific location, then it needs to be available only in that specific location.

Impacts: NA

 PMP-95620: Resolving LMS Sessions inaccuracies in the Sessions List when created at Level

  • Configurable: No
  • Title: NA
  • Public/Private: NA
  • Default: NA

Existing System

  • Users have the ability to create sessions in a location for multiple employees across all locations. Creating sessions at a level has issues in sessions list which can be confusing to the users and needs additional technical effort.


  • To disallow users to create session at a level as the system currently permits the creation of sessions at the location itself.

Enhanced System:

  • Implementing the change will now restrict the ability to create the sessions at Level.

Impacts: NA

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 PMP-95621: Ability to view 'Course duration' instead of 'Session duration' In session creation notification.

  • Configurable: Yes
  • Title: Enable Course Duration in Notification
  • Public/Private: Private
  • Default: No

Existing System

  • Currently in Notification, we have a duration field which shows the entire session duration from the training start date to Training end date, for example Session Start Date is Aug 29 and End date is Aug 30 and the session time is from 9am to 10am for the 2 days. System calculates the session duration as 25 hours.


  • To have an accurate understanding of the time commitment required for each course and the overall duration of all the courses assigned within the session.

Enhanced System:

  • Users can now view the individual course duration and the actual course duration. 

Impacts: NA

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