24.2 Mobile Pro Release Notes
24.2 Mobile Pro Release Notes
New and Improved Features
Wellness Check
Wellness Check
MP-10815 Implement notification for synchronization completion upon Wellness Check save in Mobile App
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- Currently, upon completing a Wellness Check and selecting "Save," the system displays a message indicating that the record is saved to the device. However, there is no notification once the records have successfully synchronized. Users must manually check the mobile app to confirm synchronization by observing if the "Yellow Shade" changes to "White" on each record.
- To provide an additional message which confirms that the synchronization is complete.
Enhanced System:
- With the enhancement, customer would get an additional message on the screen confirming that the synchronization is complete.
Impacts: NA
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