24.2 Incident Management Release Notes

24.2 Incident Management Release Notes

New and Improved Features 

Product Level


PMP-98763 - Incident Severity Enhancement for Near Miss Incident type

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Before this update, the ability to identify, track, and categorize incidents with serious injuries or fatalities (SIF) or incidents that have the potential to become serious injuries or fatalities (PSIF) was not available for all incident types. Additionally, the ability to drive incident investigations based on the severity of the incidents was also not available for all incident types. We wanted to simplify and standardize the process for all incident types.

Configurable: Yes.
Impacts: Mobile, Reports & Cognos.
Existing System:  Doesn’t have the UI to configure severity values for the near-miss incident type.
Near miss Incident Reporting Screen
This Enhancement:

  • Introduces a new section labeled “Incident Severity” after the general details section. The existing severity field will be shown in this section

  • Allows driving the investigation requirements based on the value selected in the severity field
    Note: For customers currently using the severity field with a different label, the section name will be automatically changed based on their existing label.

New Section Label


  • Introduces a new permission for the near-miss incident type to view/edit the severity field
    Note: For customers currently using the severity field, existing roles will be automatically updated based on their current configuration.

  • Introduces a new setup option labeled "Severity (PSIF)" in the Near Miss Lookup Values of the incident management module setup that allows administrators to configure severity values for the near-miss incident type

  • Allows administrators to configure investigation requirements for the configured severity values.

  • Allows administrators to configure the “Cause of Injury/Illness” section with a new public configuration

    • Public Configuration Title: “Display Cause of Illness/Injury” By default, this configuration will be turned off
      Note: For customers currently using this field, this configuration will be updated based on their current backend configuration

PMP-98776 - Incident Severity Enhancement for All the Other Incident Types

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Before this update, the ability to identify, track, and categorize incidents with serious injuries or fatalities (SIF) or incidents that have the potential to become serious injuries or fatalities (PSIF) was not available for all incident types. Additionally, the ability to drive incident investigations based on the severity of the incidents was also not available for all incident types. We wanted to simplify and standardize the process for all incident types.

Configurable: Yes.
Impacts: Mobile, Reports & Cognos.
Existing System: 

  • Doesn’t have the functionality to classify the severity for injury/illness and general liability (GL) incidents and drive investigation based on the severity

  • Doesn’t have the UI to configure severity values for all other incident types

Reporting Screen
This Enhancement:

  • Introduces the question “Is this a serious Incident or has the Potential to be Serious?” for injury/illness and general liability incident types (this field is currently available for environmental, property damage, and vehicle incident types)

  • Introduces a new section labeled “Incident Severity” before the witness information section. The incident severity (SIF/PSIF) field will be shown in this section

  • Allows driving investigation requirements based on the selected value in the incident severity (SIF/PSIF) field


  • Introduces a new permission by incident type to view/edit the incident severity (SIF/PSIF) field

  • Introduces new setup option labeled “Incident Severity (SIF/PSIF)” in Incident Management Lookup Values of the incident management module setup that allows administrators to configure severity values for all the incident types except near miss

  • Allows administrators to configure investigation requirements by incident type for the severity values configured

  • Allows administrators to turn on the “Could this have resulted in a life-altering injury or fatality?” question for injury/illness and general liability incident types with new public configurations

    • Public Configuration Title: “Display Injury SIF Question, Display GL SIF Question. By default, this configuration will be turned off

PMP-98755 - Incident Closure

Previously, users lacked the ability to identify the overall status of an incident record, relying on incident status and management review status to understand the incident record's position in the workflow. We wanted to enhance the ease of tracking and understanding of the overall incident status.
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Configurable: Yes
Public Configuration Title: Display Incident Status. By default, this configuration will be turned on.
Existing System: Doesn’t have the functionality to determine the overall status of an incident record.
Purpose: To track incident status (Open/Close) more effectively.

This Enhancement:

  • Introduces a new Status button on the summary screen that allows users to change the Incident Status. An incident can have 3 statuses - Open (Default), Closed & Reopen

  • Introduces a new permission to close and reopen an incident record
    Note: Existing user roles need to be updated manually after the release to use this feature

  • Allows users to change the status from open to closed if all the required steps in the workflow are complete. (Ex: Detail Report, Investigation & Management Review)

  • Introduces this new status as the first column to all system view

  • Introduces the new status to the Incident Summary Report and Cognos models

Impacts: Reports. Status is not available on mobile with this release will be added in a future release

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