23.2 Foundation & Framework Notes
23.2 Foundation & Framework Notes
New and Improved Features
Product Level Change
PMP-93272 - Contractor Profile Widget
Configurable: No
- Title: NA
- Public/Private: NA
- Default: NA
Existing System:
- No widget to display contractor profile usage
- To display the counts of activities the contractor has been involved in or owned
- Summary of contractor datapoints
Enhanced System:
- The widget will be displayed for both Level and location selection
- For location selection, it will display the contractor names for the selected location
- For level selection, it will display the contractor names for all the locations under the level
- The contractor name search will show the names of contractors configured for the selected location
- The contractor name list will have both active and inactive contractors
- The contractor profile widget will not display any default contractor. The user must select a contractor name from the search list and accordingly, the data will be displayed in the widget.
Impacts: No Impact
Note: The contractor widget will display below modules' data points
- Incident Management
- Audits Management
- Action Items
PMP-86408 - Activity Log
Configurable: Yes
- Title: EnableActivityLog
- Public/Private: Private
- Default: No
Existing System:
- No option to track the user's activities in the application for some of the modules like - Ergonomics Assessment, Risk Assessment, Industrial Hygiene, Wellness Check, BBS, Learning Management System and Incident Management System.
- A regulatory requirement like FedRAMP etc.
- Activity logs can also identify areas of non-compliance by providing information for audit investigations
- The system administrator can track who create or edited or deleted application records
Enhanced System:
- Implementation of Activity Log for the following modules :
S.No. | Module | Web - Activity Log | Mobile - Activity Log |
1. | Ergonomics Assessment | Completed | NA |
2. | Risk Assessment | Completed | NA |
3. | Industrial Hygiene | Completed | NA |
4. | Wellness Check | Completed | Completed |
5. | BBS | Pending | Completed |
6. | Learning Management System | Completed (in v23.1) | Completed |
7. | Incident Management System | Partially completed (details given below)
| Completed |
Impacts: No Impact
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