18.2 Risk Assessment Release Notes
New and Improved Features
- PMP-47210 Provision of dependency between the control related fields for hazards.
- PMP-47213 Provision of additional quicklinks for Risk Assessment-Create And Manage.
- PMP-47289. Provision of inactivating approved assessments
- PMP-49397 Provision of Version number for Risk assessments.
- PMP-47214 Provision of Risk Matrix in Risk Assessment Report
PMP-47210 Provision of dependency between the control related fields for hazards
Configurable setting: Show/Hide,Public
Default: Show
Existing system
- Currently the system does not provide the ability to enforce the creation of any action item when the user is entering a high or critical rating.Due to this ,there are chances that risk assessors would enter the ratings at the level of critical or high without entering associated action items to reduce those.
Purpose: To enable the system to enforce the users to create action items when any risk rating with rating levels of high or critical is created
Enhanced System
- If the risk rating is high or critical the value of create action item would be placed at Yes and made a non editable field.Hence on entering a rating with high or critical the users would be enforced to create action items without which users would not be able to save the risk ratings.
- On entering the risk rating as high or critical the response to the field "Are the proposed controls adequate" will also be defaulted to No.
- Also in the import tool the system will restrict import of any risk rating if the rating is high/critical and an action item has not been entered.
PMP-47213 Provision of additional quicklinks for Risk Assessment-Create And Manage
Configurable setting:No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system
- Currently the Risk Assessments Quick link displays only those assessments for which the immediate next step is approval.If any assessment is under the queue of the logged in user but in any other state apart from the next status of approved it is not displayed in the list of assessments when the users click on this link.
Purpose: To enable the system to enforce the users to create action items when any risk rating with rating levels of high or critical is created
Enhanced System
- New quicklinks of Create and My Pending Risk Assessments have been introduced.
- On clicking on Create the system will direct the user to the Risk Assessment Set Up screen.
- On clicking of My Pending Risk Assessments the system will direct the user to all the assessments which are in the queue of the logged in user irrespective of the assessment approval status.
PMP-47289. Provision of inactivating approved assessments
Configurable setting:No Configuration
Default: Common change
Existing system :
- System does not provide the users the ability to inactivate any assessment that has been approved.All approved assessments are made in editable for maintaining the data accuracy .Hence post approval the system restricts changing the activation status of the risk assessments.
- This limited the user's ability to inactivate the historical risk assessments which were no longer active with respect to changing business and operational scenarios.
Purpose: To enable the system to allow the users to inactivate any risk assessment provided the user has the adequate edit permissions for the risk assessments.
Enhanced System :
- New button of inactivate has been introduced in the Manage Assessments screen as shown below.
- If the user has edit permissions for the assessments the user can use this button to inactivate the assessments.
- System will allow users to inactivate multiple assessments with single button.
- The screenshot below displays the inactivate button on the top right along with Copy ,Delete and Add buttons.Users need to select the assessments which needs to be inactivated and click on the inactivate button to inactivate the assessments.
PMP-49397 Provision of Version number for Risk assessments.
Configurable setting 1 :Show Hide
Configuration Setting 2 : Mandatory/Non Mandatory :
Default : Non Mandatory
Existing system :
- System does not allow users to define the versions of the risk assessments.
- Hence if any historical report of the assessment is referred ,there were potential mismatches of the report data with the data that is available in the application
Purpose: To enable the user to define the version numbers of the assessments so that users would be able to refer the reports and other data with respect to the latest version of the assessment.
Enhanced System :
- New field of assessment version has been introduced in the system.
- This field can be edited by the user.On making any change the users can select the assessment version.
- On Copying any assessment the copied version would display the version as blank.Users would be required to enter the version of the copied assessment.
- For any newly created assessment the assessment version would be defaulted at 1.
PMP-47214 Provision of Risk Matrix in Risk Assessment Report
Configurable setting 1 :No Configuration
Default: Common Change.
Existing system :
- Currently the system does not display the risk assessment matrix for reports.
- A risk matrix is a matrix that is used during risk assessment to define the level of risk by considering the category of probability or likelihood against the category of consequence severity.It basically shows the levels of probable risk that an activity might fall into.
Purpose: To provide the risk matrix in the risk assessment report for enabling the user to have a view of all the probable risk values for the activity.
Enhanced System :
- New Risk matrix has been places in the report.
- As shown the risk matrix will display the categories/levels of risk for each hazard.
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