Recently Updated Incidents Widget

Recently Updated Incidents Widget

  1. It Display new incidents created based on the options selected in Ellipses
    1. Ellipses has options to display 5 New incidents, 10 and 15 New incidents

  2. Incident ID is Hyperlinked (Display incident Integrated ID)
    1. Hyperlink should navigate to incident Summary screen of the respective incident 

  3. Display following details of incident in Sequential order
    1. Incident Title/Site
    2. Date of Incident and time of Incident
    3. Incident Type
    4. Personnel type

      Options in Ellipses
  4. Sorting 
    1. Ascending
    2. Descending

  5. Filters
    1. Recent 10 Incidents
    2. Recent 15 Incidents

  6. View all incidents
    1. System will take to incident list screen

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. In the Home page, Click on the Add Widget button.

  2. Select the Widget and drag it to the page.

  3. The Recently Updates Incidents Widget will be available in Home page. 

Permissions are considered while displaying the incidents

  • Example: User do not have permission for Nearmiss Incident so the incident will be displayed in the Widget but he will not be able to navigate to incident summary of that incident

Field Information Table

Field NameDetails/Description

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