Changing the Case Classification in Case Progression

Changing the Case Classification in Case Progression

This document will guide users with reclassifying/changing their case in the Case Progression Tracking section.

Step-by-step Instructions:

Reclassifying from Lost Time to Restricted Duty: 

  1. Click on the Modules icon.
  2. Click on the Incident Management menu item.
  3. Click on the Case Management Menu Item.

  4. Click on the Case Number.

  5. Update the Classification of Case logic tree questions. 
  6. Ensure that the Case Status is set to Open
  7. Click on Save

  8. Click on the First Aid case link under Case Progression Tracking section. 

  9. Complete all the fields and Click on Save.

  10. Navigate to the Case Progression Tracking section, and click on Add.

  11. Select Restricted Duty as the Classification of Case. 
  12. Select the First Day of Restricted Duty.
  13. Click on Save.

    Additional Information:

    A case cannot be identified as "First Aid" or "Report Only" if any of the identifier questions for a "Recordable" type is marked as Yes. (Refer to example below)

    19.2.1 Update

    • It will allow to select Incident date as Case Start Date, it will ignore while counting case days for US locations
    • This is done because in other countries Incident date is required to be counted in Case Days

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