Reporting New Incident Overview

Reporting New Incident Overview

This document will demonstrate how to create an incident record, definitions of the available incident types and the components for each incident type.

On this Page:

Step-by-Step Instructions: 

How to Report a New Incident

  1. Select the location in the Navigator.

    (info) In order to create an incident record the user must navigate to a site/location to see the Report New Incident menu option.

  2. Click on the Modules icon.
  3. Click on the Incident Management menu item.
  4. Click on the Report New Incident menu item.

    5.Type in the Incident Title/Site*
    6.Check off the desired Incident Type*

Next Step

Once the Incident Type is selected, the Incident Details section will update with questions based on the Incident Type(s).


Email Incident Summary report will be available Once user saves the incident.


Available Incident Types 

Incident TypeDescriptionHow to
Near MissIn this case the incident did not happen but had the potential of happening.Reporting a Near Miss, Unsafe Act, Unsafe Condition

Actual injury or illness of any personnel (employee, supervised contractor, unsupervised contractor or visitor) is a case of Injury illness.

Reporting an Injury/Illness Incident

Any Incident which results in damages to the internal or external environment of the company can be termed as an environmental incident. (i.e., Damage consists of damage to “Air” “Water” or “Soil”.

Reporting an Environmental Incident

Any incident that involves the accident of any vehicle (i.e., Accident on the highway or in the parking lot using a company car, truck, or van).

Reporting a Vehicle Incident
Property Damage 

Any damage or destruction caused to public or private property either by a person who is not its owner or by natural phenomena. (i.e. wall collapsed, leaking roof or broken window).

Reporting a Property Damage Incident
General LiabilityA company safeguard against 3rd party claims arising from damage or injury during their company visit or employee job duties. (i.e., loss of company property resulting from theft, accident etc.)Management Concern Incident

Incident in which two or more of the following has occurred and need to be reported:  Injury/Illness, Environmental, Property Damage or Vehicle.

NOTE: Near Miss and General Liability incidents cannot be combined with other incident types.

Reporting Combined Incident Types

Components within an Incident 

The incident components available for each incident type are shown in the table below.

Incident ComponentsDescriptionNear MissInjury/ IllnessVehicleEnvironmentalProperty DamageGeneral Liability
Incident Details

The Incident Details screen is the first screen that contains general information (i.e. – Who, What, When, and Where) about an incident. 

Once completed the additional components for an incident become available for editing.


Each incident type allows you to conduct an investigation of the incident that took place.  

There are four (4) sections included within the investigation:

  • Investigation Details – contains a list of tailored investigation questions.
  • Contributing Factors – contains a pick list of contributing factors.
  • 5 Why? Methodology – allows users to conduct a 5 why analysis on one or more contributing factors.
  • Root Cause Analysis – contains a pick list of root causes.
Case Management

Case Management allows users to manage the classification of an injury/illness incident.


ClaimsThe Claim Section allows users to submit a claim to their Third Party Administrator (TPA) directly from our system.
Reportability & Chargeability


Communication Log

The Communication Log allows users to track information communicated to non-company individuals, outside agencies, the media etc.

Legal Notice

The Legal Notice allows users to record information for legal actions, such as notice date, plaintiff name, plaintiff council, company council, etc.


The Cost Section allows users to track estimated and actual costs. 

*Workers’ Compensation is not captured in this section, because Workers’ Compensation costs are captured in the Claims section.

Action Items

Action Items allow users the ability to manage Corrective and Preventative actions that have been created due to an incident involving an employee or an incident that occurred at the facility. 

Management Review

A supervisor or manager can review completed Corrective and or Preventative Actions 

Verify if the action items will be sufficient or if new action items are needed. 

AttachmentsOnce an incident has been saved within the system, users have the ability to upload attachments.XXXXXX


Wage fields should accept decimal values in Incident reporting screen and Claims screen

  • Current Weekly Wage
    • Will accept decimals up to 2 places
  • Hourly Wage
    • Will accept decimals up to 2 places
  • Hours Worked per Week
    • Will accept decimals up to 2 places
    • Validation: Should not accept more than 168 Hours
  • Hours Worked per Day
    • Hours worked Per Day is text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is Drop down and max value it accept 24 - 
    • Change the field to drop down with values from 1 - 24
  • Days Worked per week
    • Days worked Per Week is text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is Pick list and max value it accepts is 7 - 
    • Change the field to drop down with values from 1-7
  • Number of dependants
    • Number of Dependents is a text box in Incident and reporting claim screen where as in Employee Management it is drop down and it accept only max of 10 number value - 
    • Change the field to a drop down with values from 0 - 10

18.3 Update

  • CAPA Completion date field is Mandatory in incident Reporting Screen. So that users cannot save the CAPA without completion date.

19.1 Update

  • A new field has been introduced as "Pin Point Incident".
  • The field is visible only if:
    • If there is a floor plan uploaded for the location and module
    • "Incident Occurred on Employer's Premises *" is answered as "Yes"
  • It is applicable for all Incident Type.


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