18.0.1 Industrial Hygiene Release Notes
New and Improved Features
PMP-42669 Change on Non –Detects with Detection code
PMP-41915 Create Custom Setting To Make Sample ID Mandatory/Non-Mandatory Configurable
PMP-41763 Change in Calculation for Exposure time noise
PMP-41755 Ungroup Edit Closed Assessment Permission for QEA
PMP-41415 New field Survey in Sample Detail
PMP-40759 Noise Equipment calibration field made configurable as mandatory or non-mandatory
PMP-40641 Defaulting Analytical Method to No
PMP-40607 QRA Associated Stressors Ergonomics Show Hide Configurable
PMP-40493 Default the Unit of Measurement for the Sample Results screen
PMP-40438 Default Monitoring Equipment defaulted to "Borrowed from other site"
PMP-40148 Introduce module wise Dashboard manager permissions
PMP-39621 Create New IH Physical Sample Type - Lighting
PMP-39611 Internal Qualitative Exposure Assessment process
PMP-36571 Would you like to capture Environment Requirement –Business Rule
PMP-42669 Change on Non –Detects with Detection code
In the enhanced state, When Detection code is selected as "<" then Category will replace the "Below Action Level" (Sample Result is < 10% OEL value) with "Non - Detectable". This is applicable to Air Monitoring Pump and Passive Monitor ,Direct Monitoring, both options (for TWA and STEL). Its applicable to COC lab feed both LIMS and System.
PMP-41915 Create Custom Setting To Make Sample ID Mandatory/Non-Mandatory Configurable
In the enhanced state, Sample ID field can be configured as mandatory/Non-Mandatory based upon requirement.
PMP-41763 Change in Calculation for Exposure time noise
In the enhanced state, a change in calculation for Exposure Time Noise has been made. The following are the details of it.
- Sample result will now be calculated based on exposure time for hazard type Noise
- Shift length will be swapped with exposure time in minutes for result calculation
- In sample activity shift length,analyte oel adjustment, was there potential exposure, override calculated time will be hidden
- Default 8 Hours for Shift Length
- Similar to chemical new field "Total Employee Exposure Time” having two drop downs (Hours and Minutes) which is going to calculate the total exposure time in minutes.
- Drop downs to be clear for Hours and Minutes the individual was exposed.
- So the user will select the employee was exposure for 8 hours and 0 minutes instead of an 8 hour shift.
- We will then show the calculated Total Exposure Time in a greyed out field . So in the field below, it should display 480 minutes.
- The hours will be in single digits from 0 to 23 (i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, and the minutes will be in single minute increments from 0 to 30 and then 5 minute increments from 30 to 55
PMP-41755 Ungroup Edit Closed Assessment Permission for QEA
In the enhanced state, Edit closed assessment permission from the Edit Assessment permission is ungrouped
PMP-41415 New field Survey in Sample Detail
In the enhanced state, a new field Survey Name has been added.
- New text box under the Sample ID field “Survey Name".
- Field would be Show/hide configurable
- The survey field is of 50 characters long
- This field will allow alphanumeric and special characters
- Two different samples can have same survey name
- Will be applicable for Physical and Chemical samples
- Survey field will be visible in Planned Sample ,Diagnostic Sample, Copy Sample
IH Query Report: Filter
IH Query Report: View Report
IH Summary:
PMP-40759 Noise Equipment calibration field made configurable as mandatory or non-mandatory
In the nehanced stae, Date of Last Factory/ Traceable Calibration and Factory/ Traceable Calibration Valid Until made configurable as mandatory or non-mandatory.
PMP-40641 Defaulting Analytical Method to No
In the enhanced application, default analytical method field is made configurable. On page load its configurable to select the default value as yes or no
PMP-40607 QRA Associated Stressors Ergonomics Show Hide Configurable
In the enhanced state, When adding a stressor to the QRA,Ergonomics is made a show/hide configuration.
PMP-40493 Default the Unit of Measurement for the Sample Results screen
In the enhanced application, Units for Lab amount ,Lab concentration and OEL would be configurable.
PMP-40438 Default Monitoring Equipment defaulted to "Borrowed from other site"
In the enhanced application, Moitnoring Equipment owned b field has been made configurable. Default vaule wll shown in the top of the list.
PMP-40148 Introduce module wise Dashboard manager permissions
In the enhanced state, module wise Dashboard Manager permissions option has been configured.
PMP-39621 Create New IH Physical Sample Type - Lighting
In the enhanced state, a new IH Physical Sample Type - Lighting has been created.
PMP-39611 Internal Qualitative Exposure Assessment process
The following changes have been made in the Qualitative Exposure assessment Process in the enhanced application.
- Fields in QRA renamed
- Current Field Name X Chevron Revised Name
-Hazard Rating X Health Effect Rating
-Exposure Rating X Airborne Potential Rating
-Frequency X Frequency and Duration Rating
-Task Duration X Exposure Control Rating
-Dispersion X Exposure Potential Certainty Rating
- Score value for Health affect rating
Noise exposure TWA <75 dBA - 1
Noise exposure TWA 75 –79.9 dBA - 2
Noise exposure TWA 80 –84.9 dBA - 3
Noise exposure TWA 85 –89.9 dBA - 4
Noise exposure TWA 90 dBA and above - 5
- Exposure rating – hidden. When Noise is selected, value associated with Airborne Potential Rating will be defaulted to “1 – Not Applicable”. and would have score value as 1
- Exposure Control Rating for Noise - Values : Partial control and No Control
Drop down to show value: Partial control and No Control with score value as 1
On selecting partial control: Formula in formula builder X 50% = Score >Associated stressor Dashboard
No Control: Formula in formula builder X 25%= Score >Associated stressor Dashboard
PMP-39121 Employee Notification Letter should display all OEL Sources: ACGIH, State/Province, Country
In the enhanced state OEL Source in Employee Notification Letter will appear based on priority.
Priority : 1.Internal Regulatory State 3.Regulatory Country 4.ACIGH
If the value as per priority is missing then it will take the next value
PMP-39120 In Create New Sample Plan Screen change action level drop down to 50% OEL .Sample Record to be defaulted to the Baseline / Routine
In the enhanced state, in sample plan record detail, ” > Action Level" will be renamed to ">50% OEL". Also, Export QRA to New Sample Plan Baseline/Prior result field will show default value as "--select--" but for Chevron it would show Baseline/Routine.
For Chevron Only :
PMP- 36571 Would you like to capture Environment Requirement –Business Rule
In the enhanced application, in the field Would you like to capture environment requirement in Sample activity :
- On selecting No, environment section should not appear
- On selecting Yes, environment section should appear.
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