Working with Audit Program Attachments

Working with Audit Program Attachments

Users have the ability to View, Add and Delete attachments to an audit program. In addition, for existing attachments users can edit the document details or overwrite an existing document.

On this page

Audit Program Setup

Step-by-step Instructions:

Adding Attachments

  1. Access the Attachments tab. 
  2. Click on the Add button.

  3. Click on the Browse button to search for a file. 

  4. Select the desired file. 
  5. Click on the Open button. 

  6. Click on the Click to Attach File button.

  7. Type in a Title for the attachment. 
  8. Click on the Save button. 

  9. Click on the Ok button of the Success Confirmation window.

  10. Click on the Close button. 

Step-by-step Instructions:

Deleting an Attachment

  Adding Attachments

  1. From the Attachments tab, click on the checkbox next to the attachment(s) to be deleted. 
  2. Click on the Delete button.

  3. Click on the Ok button from the Delete Confirmation window.

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